These services give an indication of the work of ROTHWELL• We pride ourselves on offering a package of support to suit specific client requirements. They can range from medium to longer term work offering wrap-around support that might include background evidence and analysis, consultation, testing and full report presentation. ROTHWELL• can also provide a ‘quick and dirty’ approach for when you just need a fresh pair of experienced eyes and not a 200 page report.

  • Across business and sectors, places and organisations – working to develop clear and time specific strategy, with a focus on impact and implementation. This can be delivered as a short visioning product or a longer report with full research, analysis and consultation built-in.
  • Strategic development – including horizon scanning and scenario planning. Utilising a ‘think tank’ approach that is best developed alongside executive teams, Boards and/or multiple stakeholders.
  • Implementation plan development to underpin strategy. This is an important part of strategy to achieve measurable and timely impact.
  • Specialising in innovative and disruptive approaches which might lead to changes of perception from others; utilising new technology and economic disruptors to drive growth; taking advantage of new/creative forms of financing or investment; beyond Brexit policy; and, opportunities from devolution. ROTHWELL• has a particular track record of working with rural and peripheral places, smaller businesses and new technology clusters to challenge pre-conceived models of growth.
  • Supporting design and development at a project or programme level for economic growth based initiatives. Particular focus on private-led initiatives seeking public investment and research & development collaboration.
  • Evaluation of programmes and projects.
  • Developing public and private funding initiatives such as grants, loans, bonds and equity investments (UK, EU and International).
  • Specialising in cross-sector and place-based project development that aligns to global,
    national or local investment opportunities. ROTHWELL• is well-placed to support activity which may be linked to a post-Brexit funding landscape and maximising Government-led initiatives.
  • ROTHWELL• also has a track record of initiatives in the following:
    > Cluster and supply chain development.
    > Skills and labour market development.
    > Inclusive growth programmes.
    > Micro and small business scale up.
    > Devolution packages between local and central government.
  • Supporting clients to improve their representation and advocacy on local, regional, national and international platforms. This can be on a one-off basis to develop rationale, brand and message or as a retained, more ‘active’, service.
  • Development of effective inward investment and export offers. This can be focused on place and/or industry. Support for individual businesses as well as clusters/groups of businesses as part of a wider supply chain.
  • Aligning and articulating industry/trade/sector need and opportunity with public sector policy and funding. This may be at a strategic level or with an individual business.
  • Supporting business development and growth to connect with global and national opportunity as well as to connect with local communities where there may be impact.
  • Working with communities in places to develop effective ‘place shaping’ and place branding. This may follow-on from neighbourhood planning activity to better connect places and their communities to business growth and opportunity.
  • Partner relationship building at a project, programme or longer-term partnership level. This may also include partnership creation and development.
  • Specialising in multi-sector stakeholder relationship building across industry, academia
    and place to underpin strategy and maximise investment opportunities. Working in an environment that might be challenging and where relationships are difficult to maintain is where ROTHWELL• can really add value.
  • Facilitation services to create, support and develop multi-sector teams. This may be for a specific project or programme – or may be part of a longer-term partnership arrangement. Sectors could include public, industry and academic.
  • Broader facilitation services can be tailored to suit client requirements. ROTHWELL•
    has a strong track record of work in the following areas:
    > Change management – particularly in redesigning services to support a rapidly
    changing economic development and new tech landscape.
    > Peer review for organisational improvement and change. Offering support to develop
    strategic thinking to underpin organisational change and development.
    > Troubleshooting when things aren’t going to plan.


“I often talk about the example that Cornwall sets to other non-city regions, so you are a great front runner for the rest of us”.